
Williams Syndrome Conference, Novi Sad, 20 October 2019

On October 20th 2019, The Serbian Williams Syndrome association organized in cooperation with FEWS its first conference on Williams Syndrome. The goal was to bring together families with a Williams person and professionals from Serbia and the neighbouring countries to learn more about the syndrome and to meet eacIn October the Bulgarian Williams Syndrom association plans a conference on Williams Syndrome in cooperation with FEWS. Similar to the previous conference in Novi Sad, the goal is to bring together families with a Williams person and professionals from Bulgaria and its neighbouring countries, to learn more about the syndrome as well as to meet each other. If you are interested in this conference and want to know more, you can contact FEWS.h other. National and international speakers spoke about various topics such as anxiety, promoting Inclusive Learning, language abilities, diagnostics, treatment and follow up, group therapies for siblings and initiatives at the European level for rare diseases. There were around 100 attendees from Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. The presentations were in English with simultaneous translation in Serbian.
Being a small organization with a limited number of families and resources, this meeting was a milestone for the Serbian Williams Syndrome association.

International Conference ‘Building our Future’ in Madrid, 10-11 November, 2017

ASWE considers of a crucial importance to create spaces for learning, knowledge, participation, opinion, collaboration and cooperation among all those who are in favour of the scientific and social investigation of Williams-Beuren Syndrome, such as people with SWB, relatives, and medical-socio-health specialists.

For this reason, this International Meeting is an excellent opportunity to achieve our goals such as promoting the existence of Williams Syndrome Beuren to the population, as well as continue growing and advancing in the field of the syndrome to improve the quality of life of people who suffer it.

The main objectives of the meeting are to provide updated information on existing research on Williams Syndrome Beuren and its results and to report on the existence and benefits of different specific care treatments that can be done by people with Williams Syndrome Beuren. We will also have first-person success experiences in various areas within the collective. The European Federation of Williams Syndrome will also report on their activities.

The lectures on Friday, November 10 will focus on medical research conducted by different international specialists from Canada, France, Italy, Germany and Portugal. Besides we include roundtable discussions of experiences in Europe in collaboration with FEWS. The official language of this day will be English, with simultaneous translation into Spanish.

On Saturday November 11 will be devoted to roundtables discussions on medical and psychological aspects, language, comprehensive care, and personal experiences of success told in first person. The official language will be Spanish, with simultaneous translation into English. (source:

International Conference ‘Harmonize Williams Syndrome in Europe’ in Rome, 17-18 October, 2015

The Italian Williams Syndrome Association has organised the International Conference “Harmonize Williams Syndrome in Europe” in Rome on 17th October 2015 at the Aula Magna of the Pontificia Università Lateranense. The Conference focussed on recent discoveries in molecular biology and on clinical, neuro-psychological, therapeutical and endocrinological aspects of Williams Syndrome. The European Williams Syndrome Associations reported on their activities.

On Sunday 18th October the Williams Family Day “Real Fun Surrounded by Nature” at Parco Avventura Riva dei Tarquini in Tarquinia took place with an open discussion between national experts and families. More info can be found here.

International Williams Syndrome Conference in Budapest, 21-23 November, 2014

The European Federation of Williams Syndrome (FEWS) has organised in cooperation with the Hungarian Williams Syndrome Association a European Conference on the Williams-Beuren Syndrome to raise the awareness on this rare disease, make the stakeholder groups more interactive and establish international cooperation on expert field. The focus was to share good practices and knowledge on the disease between European Countries with a good expertise and other European Countries with lesser experience on the syndrome.
The Conference targetted professionals in different areas from different countries, who, by their professional position, have an impact on spreading the awareness and knowledge about Williams syndrome:

  • Health professionals and caregivers
  • Researchers, clinicians and academics

The Conference language was English and ran from Friday evening 21st till Sunday 23rd November, 2014 in Hotel Benczur in Budapest, Hungary.
International speakers with expertise in Williams syndrome presented during the Conference various topics: paediatrics, cardiology, genetics, education, dental care, psychology, psychiatry, linguistics, music therapy, pharma research, sleeping problems. And around 20 Posters were also presented. More details can be found here.

Past International Conferences

In the past several other International conferences on Williams syndrome have been organised by national Williams organisations. You can find the most important ones listed below with their summaries attached.


International Williams Syndrome Conference – 2008

Organized by the Autour des Williams
Paris, France, April 04, 2008

International Williams Syndrome Symposium – 2005

Organized by the Hungarian Williams Syndrome Association

Fonyód, Hungary, June 25, 2005

European Conference on Williams P1010021Syndrome – 2004

Organized by the Italian Williams Syndrome Association

Rome, Italy, November 19-20, 2004

Williams Syndrome and the Issue of Neurogenetic Developmental Disorders – 2002

Scientific Workshop organized by the Collegium Budapest and Center for Cognitive Science, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
May 1-5, 2002, Budapest, Hungary