Italy – AISW

The Italian Association for Williams Syndrome

The Association

The Italian Association for Williams Syndrome (AISW) was founded in June 1996 by the will of a group of parents with a desire to create a non-profit solution to solve medical, rehabilitative, educational, social and legal problems of the people with SW and their families. Thanks to the activities of the Scientific Committee and Board, the contribution of highly qualified professionals, and the valuable work of volunteers, fundamental progress has been made.
Since 2004 the AISW works closely with other European associations with the founding of FEWS, the federation that unites and coordinates them.

Our mission:

The corporate purpose of the Italian Williams Syndrome is represented by the achievement and the pursuit of the following objectives:

  • Promote and disseminate knowledge on Williams Syndrome
  • Promote and coordinate scientific research projects aimed
  • Coordinating through its Technical Committee research on Williams Syndrome in institutes of national research avoiding duplication of resources
  • Collect, coordinate and disseminate the results of research at national and international scientific publications published by the AISW
  • Translate in Italian foreign publications
  • Promote educational programs
  • Develop protocols for physicians and genetic diagnosis of Williams syndrome
  • Organize regular scientific meetings to check, compare and inform about the results of research on Williams Syndrome
  • Promote and manage contacts with the associations WS active in foreign countries
  • Organize periodic meetings of the patients, families and rehabilitators

The achievement of the objectives set out above will be achieved by the following powers:

  • Promote and carry out scientific research
  • Provide medical and legal advice to their members
  • Publish and disseminate scientific information, educational and legal
  • Cooperate with others working with similar corporate purpose
  • Support, administer or provide other research
  • Raise funds through donations from people or companies to be used for ongoing programs or be allocated to reserves for future programs
  • Access to funding programs National or International
  • Buy and rent property to dispose of any type as required
  • Deposit or invest funds with any legal system using, if necessary the support of a financial adviser