France – Autour des Williams

Since 2003, the Autour des Williams association has brought together families affected by Williams & Beuren syndrome. With the help of friends, doctors, and partners, we are building a network.

Our main objectives are:

  • To fund research projects validated by our Medical and Scientific Council. Up to date, more than half a million euros has been invested in 45 research projects on Williams syndrome in France and Europe.
  • Welcoming and supporting families in various areas: schooling, health, integration through a private exchange group on Facebook and annual meetings. Thanks to the creation of a parent relay group, Autour des Williams’ association is available to support families from the moment they are diagnosed.
  • Raising awareness and providing information to the general public and professionals to help children, teenagers and adults with the syndrome.

Ariéla Zerbib

Mother of a teenager with WS. I live and work in London. I am delighted to represent the dynamic Autour des Williams association at FEWS.